Thursday, July 2, 2009

8 months old!

I know I am a day late....but my little one is 8 months old!! Seriously, how can that be?!

Carter is doing so much these days!

- Sits up and doesn't need a pillow behind him...catches himself when/if he falls.

- He is really TRYING SO HARD to crawl. He gets up on all 4s and just rocks back and forth. Sometimes he can move backwards...but no forward motion yet. He perfers to roll and scoot for now.

-Prefers to be standing.

- Sleeps 7pm-6am

- Is VERY loud. Has perfected "da-da" and "ba-ba". Only says "ma-ma" when crying...

-LOVES the water.

-Has started a few finger foods...and he is definitely a fan! We've done Bananas, pasta, puffs and mango.

- Loves giving Mama big hugs and sloppy kisses.

-Thinks Dada is the FUNNIEST person EVER.

He talks sooo much. Tonight we could barely get him to eat dinner b/c it was just babbling on and on..."da da da ba bab" He will yell louder if you don't pay attention!

Here are a few pictures to show just how big he is getting!

1st time in the infant car seat

Carter in his infant carseat - 1 month old

Carter's last day in his infant car seat - 7 months old

Carter trying out his big boy car seat - 7 months
(excuse the mess - we were packing for SC)

Loving the Phillies

It was supposed to be a cute idea for his 8 month picture...not sure what I was thinking though...couldn't get him to stop playing with the blocks!

oh, and the tie dye was made at daycare...Not Rick's favorite style but I think it's adorable!

Carter STANDING on his own and loving his new toy :-)

then decides its actually more fun to EAT the toy....


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