Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy 9 months, Little D!

-D is finally trying to get around! He was very content to just sit and watch for the longest time. Now he is rolling and  doing this side and backward army crawl
-Loves emptying his basket of toys.
-I don't want to jinx it by writing it but just in the last week he is spitting up sooo much less. Most of the time I don't even put a bib on him while he is nursing. Hope this continues!! It's much less wash for me :-)
-D is loving the Ergo. He loves to be worn by his Mama. It's a great way to get him to take a nap while we are out and about. Was a life saver in Disney.
- Took his first vacation this month! Went to Disney World. He was obviously too young for most of what Disney has to offer but he went on Dumbo and It's a Small World. He also loved meeting all of the characters at the character breakfasts.
-He loves clapping his handles. He will even say "YAHHH" when clapping. Or if he hears someone say "YAH", he will start clapping.
-He has the smallest amount of gorgeous blond/strawberry blond hair. It's so silky and soft :-)
-He is still completely obsessed with Carter. Obsessed.
-He loves giving these wide mouthed, but sloppy kisses.
-Still no teeth!
-He sleeps on his side cuddled up with his blanket. Still ends up in Mommy and Daddy's bed once or twice a week.
-Declan's typical day starts at 6:30am. We do diaper change, change clothes then he nurses around 7am. We get to school around 8am. He has fruit for breakfast around 9:00. A 6oz bottle of breastmilk at 10:00 and then falls asleep. He will have lunch whenever he wakes up, around 1pm. Then another 6oz bottle around 3. Dinner at home at 5:30, nurse again at 7 and down for the night!
-At home he is preferring actual solid foods, over purees but at school he is still mostly on purees.  
-Favorite solids: Bananas. This kid will eat an entire banana.
-Least favorite solids: any type of meat.
-D is wearing 12 month clothing and may even be moving to 12-18 soon.
- 9 month stats: Weight - 18lb 7oz, Length - 28.5", Head- 18"

Love Ya Little Dude!

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