Friday, August 20, 2010

Your Three Words - "Father and Son"

Ok - I am really going to try to keep this blog up to date, for all of my...oh, 3 readers, lol! Starting today, I am going to be doing a "Your Three Words" post. I got the idea from another blogger, and if I do this correctly, this badge below should link back to her site (she also has a little boy named Carter!).

"Father and Son" - This was taken last Sunday during a day trip to beach in Belmar. Carter was a Momma's boy for the first 20 months of his life....but just this last month, there are whole days where C definitely prefers his Daddy - It is just the cutest thing - ever. "Daddy, I uve you" - Carter


jenni from the blog said...

Aww, that is so cute!! Isn't it the best when they say "I love you"??? Carter and I always go back and forth with "no, I love you MORE!" then he says it. Sigh.=)

Thanks for playing!!

Unknown said...

Hi! I did Jenni's Y3W today, too.
Your blog is super cute (that picture at the top is so lovely) and that is probably one of the sweetest father/daughter pictures I've seen in a long time. :)

Steph said...

That is so cute!

Thanks for linking up!

Becki said...

Popping over from Jenni's blog with Y3W. LOVE this adorable pic of father and son!

Erika said...

Stopping in from Y3W!

That is so adorable! My daughter was the same way, and is totally a daddy's girl now. Sweet and sad (you know what I mean) at the same time! funny, my husband has the same swim trunks as yours! ha!