Sunday, November 22, 2009

Daddy is home!

Richard's finally home from a week long trip work trip to India. Oh, boy, it ends up being LONG week when he is away. It really makes me have so much respect for single mamas. Not sure how they do it. To be the sole one responsible for...well,'s pretty stressful. I am super lucky it is normally only a week at a time.

Good thing my family is awesome and I had someone over visiting and helping out almost every night he was gone. Thank goodness...b/c we also had quite of a bit of teething going on...that makes for one cranky boy.

BUT now Daddy is back....and the teeth seem to be not bothering C as much.

We took advantage of the FABULOUS weather this weekend and spent a bit of it just playing around outside. It is getting harder and harder to get good pictures of C actually looking at the camera b/c he is just running all over the place now.

Trying to be just like Daddy!


My Daddy LOVES me


Just going for a walk

Football Sundays! Starting young.


...smiling at Aunt Fanny (who is THE best bubble blower, EVER)


1 comment:

XChequer said...

He even looks like a real New Zealander!

As a Dad as well, there is nothing better than having that close time with your child......... except perhaps when one does come home after a trip away and you can't wait to see them. It's like looking at your child for the first time all over again.

Nice photo's, Julie.

On a lighter note, Rich, it's 29 degrees here in Christchurch with a light Nor'west and beautiful. Whats it like in Jersey?