Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Adobe Lightroom

I've recently become a little obsessed with Lightroom. For any of you that do not know what this program is...hurry up and download it NOW! You can download a 30 day trial (unfortunately the "real" version is a whopping $300!) here http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshoplightroom/.

Last year Richard bought a nice Nikon DSL. He started taking pictures constantly in preparation of Carter arriving. Because of this knew found love of photography, we already have tens of thousands of pictures of the little man. Neither Richard nor I have taken photography classes (I am not going to include the 2 years of high school photography that I took b/c half that time we used a milk carton to takes pictures!) so about 80% of the pictures that we've taken really just need to be deleted. I've tried to save some of the failed shots using Photoshop...and well, all I get is many many wasted hours and even worse photos. Seriously, Photoshop is so powerful - You can really CHANGE your pictures into something else....but without the proper skills...I just ended up making everything look funny!

Well, cut to last night. I was introduced to Lightroom. WOW. With just a few clicks I was able to take some of those "fails" and really make them COOL! I won't say they are now GOOD pictures but they are at least neat to look at!

I should also mention that the adobe website has very good tutorials. Each are just around 4 minutes and give you just enough info to use the basics of the program.

Here are just a few from last night.

Before Lightroom

After Lightroom

Before Lightroom

After Lightroom

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