It is all set! Carter is going to meet his Nona, Aunt Chris, Uncle Adrian, and cousins Jamie and Annabel next month!!
We cannot wait and Carter is super excited :-) He did a little web cam session with them before but this will be the first time he gets to play with everyone!
It has been pretty quiet in the Galbraith household the last week or so. Richard has been working a lot and I've been shopping a lot...just the normal :-) Seriously, it is too cold to stay outside, so my mom friends and I end up walking the mall all day! The kids love it...and we get to eat yummy food and talk with other mommies.
I should also mention that our good friends, Davey and Carol, got married last Tuesday! They fooled everyone and snuck off to City Hall in NYC and got hitched! They had us over for dinner last night and told us the good news - Congrats, Davey and Carol!!!! :-)
Here are a few cute ones from the last week!